Geoffg4afj@aol.com Geoffg4afj at aol.com
Thu Jan 12 18:26:40 EST 2006

Hello All,
Well, I make them to the DL6WU designs and they seem to work ok. See the  VHF 
DX book or VHFComms 1977 or some such date!
I think the Eagle range marketed by GW3YDX are based on the DL6WU  designs.
Also the Vagarda range which are advertised in the small trade ads by their  
UK agent in the back of RadCom.
Simon, GM4PLM used to be the WiMo agent but I think he has moved to  DL.
You could ask WiMo who their UK agent is or it could be a good excuse to  
visit Friedrickshafen this summer!
73, Geoff

Message:  3
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 13:11:51 -0800 (PST)
From: G3RIR  <g3rir at yahoo.com>
Subject: [UK-CONTEST] Which 2m Beam?
To:  'UK-Contest' <uk-contest at contesting.com>
Message-ID:  <20060110211151.88141.qmail at web30605.mail.mud.yahoo.com>
Content-Type:  text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

I have been looking into improving my 2m  setup and had
decided to go for the
Wimo 9 ele on a 5m boom. I had  decided that until I
discovered that it would
cost 57 Eu for the  carriage alone.

Has anyone a preferred 2m beam  supplier?

Neil, G3RIR

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