[UK-CONTEST] February 2006 Radcom

G3RIR g3rir at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 19 17:34:26 EST 2006

I feel that I should add my thoughts to the debate.

I am extremely disappointed in the amount of contest
reporting which is now
being seen in Radcom but I am even more concerned
about the amount of space
taken for other articles.

For example the article on lead-free solder is 5 yes
FIVE pages long. Radio
Amateurs are amateurs and I am certain that the
article could have made the
useful points for 99% of radio amateurs in 2 pages.

I am also unsure of the worth of 3 pages (including
the cover) for the
article about an unknown ( in the UK) "entertainer". 

Neil, G3RIR 

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