Andy swiffin a.l.swiffin at dundee.ac.uk
Mon Jan 23 05:41:59 EST 2006

>>> "Jim Martin - MM0BQI" <MM0BQI at blueyonder.co.uk> wrote on 22/01/2006
> Enjoyed a wee play in the UKDX  and HADX contests this morning.  LF 
> band conditions seemed very flat here with no NA heard.  Highlight
> again being called by two JAs on 40m about 0830.


I had a wee play in the ukdx too, I did rather more than I intended but
I don't have the log here in work so will follow up with that later.  I
found LF conditions not bad though.  I went on 80 between about 0015 and
0140 and was quite surprised to be called by 3 or 4 Ws and VEs (may have
been more can't remember), I usually have to go and find them!  In fact
80 seemed quite lively, I only intended to go on for an hour max but
couldn't get away.

>  Heard some nasty 
> deliberate QRM on 40m with one station pirating the call GW4ALG 
> following RTTY stations up and down the band sending CQ on their 
> frequency.
> Most of the targeted stations were from EU but a few G stations also

> received the benefit of this persons attention. Having had our short

> contest call pirated I know it is not a nice feeling.

Yes I was the victim of that too, firstly he/she was netted on a
station I called then he/she came and sat on me.


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