[UK-CONTEST] HA-DX - SD's Cabrillo Logs

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Tue Jan 24 14:42:38 EST 2006

I've fixed a bug in the Cabrillo .LOG file generated by SDCHECK
 - it was missing Serials Received from non-HA stations.

The updated version is at www.ei5di.com/sd/sdcheck.zip.

Here's the SDCHECK setup info for non-HA entrants. 

Select Option 1 - Cabrillo.

Contest Name    : HA-DX
Log Serial Sent : Y
Fixed Exchange  :        (leave blank)
Log Serial Rcvd : N      (this means that serials are not
                          expected from HA stations in
                          addition to District Code).

If you've already submitted your log, you should send a new
one. The robot may not have caught the original error (the
Serials Received were recorded as 000).

Paul EI5DI

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