[UK-CONTEST] Late results

Dave Sergeant dave at davesergeant.com
Sat Jul 1 03:33:13 EDT 2006

On 30 Jun 2006 at 7:14, Dave Lawley wrote:

> You're no doubt aware what has happened in the States - ARRL no longer
> publish line scores in QST, you have to go to the web to get them.
> There was a huge outcry on cw-contest, almost universal opposition to
> this change especially because of the effect it has on newcomers to
> contesting and those lower down the table.

I have mixed views on the current ARRL system. It does help to some 
extent to get more detailed and categorised results out but for many 
of us lesser ops it gives some sense of satisfaction to get your 
callsign in print. Somehow finding it way down the published list on 
the web version or your moment of glory hidden in the members only 
searchable results doesn't seem to appeal so much. But if you DO get 
a mention in the written results article (I once got mentioned 5 
TIMES in I think it was the 10m results a couple of years ago!) that 
is a bit of an achievement.

Take the recently published 2005 ARRL 10m contest. No mention of me 
or anybody else from G land in the printed results. On the web there 
are printable line results where I appear but as these are not 
seperated into categories shows me pretty low down. If I go to the 
searchable (members only) database and select all non USA CW QRP 
entrants I find I am 1st G in 10th place and Eu 5th, so it looks like 
I shall be getting a certificate. And that happened to be for just 40 
QSOs, conditions were that bad...

So I would certainly like to see full results in RadCom and support 
the moves to keep it so.

73 Dave G3YMC


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