[UK-CONTEST] 80M Clubs contest series and Northern Ops

Dave Sergeant dave at davesergeant.com
Mon Jul 3 17:03:41 EDT 2006

On 3 Jul 2006 at 21:40, Alex GM3ZBE wrote:

> Sorry Gerry, but I don't agree. As someone who has lived in the
> Midlands and various parts of Scotland I can definitely say that I
> found things a good deal easier in inter G contests during the 16
> years I lived in the Midlands. Alex

Well now that tonight's event is over....

76 QSOs here, a reasonable entry with QRP.

Just before the start of the contest I had an excellent QSO with 
Steve GM4ALG/P in Newcastleton just north of Carlise - we exchanged 
579/559 reports, both of us running 5W. The only other GM worked was 
GM0ELP, I heard you Alex GM3ZBE once but you were pretty weak down 
here in Bracknell and we didn't manage a QSO. So maybe the 
propagation down to us in the south is not as bad as suggested...

As usual in these events, I had an excellent rate at the start with a 
good run on 3523. When I eventually started search and pounce I found 
I had already worked most people. Some regulars missing again (and 
not to mention the usual strong GMs!).

73 Dave G3YMC


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