[UK-CONTEST] Draft of new licence

G3SVL G3SVL at manyoaks.co.uk
Tue Jul 4 07:41:19 EDT 2006

OFCOM have put a draft of our new licence on their website today.


A quick read through shows that:
    * 400W limit remains :-(
    * Free licence condx embedded (as per the consultation doc) :-)
    * Foundations get 10m
    * Log book no longer mandatory (but on demand from OFCOM to 
investigate QRM etc.)
    * BUT, a new and welcome addition - Full licensees can now 
control and operate their station remotely using amateur-band RF or 
wired connections! This is for personal use only but does cover club licenses.
This remote capability is a real credit to Dave, G3UEG who has had an 
NoV for a couple of years (see RadCom articles & HFCC presentation) 
and has worked behind the scenes to get this into our licenses.

The remote operation wording is a little confused i.e clause 7(3) 
implies all licensees can use up to 10mW ERP of amateur-band RF to 
control their station over a max distance of 100m; clause 10(2) 
removes the power restriction for Full licensees, but not the 100m 
restriction and Clauses 10 5) and 10(8)b imply only Full licensees 
can control a rig over RF! Guess we can get this tidied up before it 
goes live on 1st October 2006.

The website says its issued for 'information only' but I'm sure the 
new responsive OFCOM (Steve G8MXZ)  will listen to input (someone 
needs to check if my interpretation of the clauses is correct)

73  Chris G3SVL

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