[UK-CONTEST] Draft of new licence

Colin G3PSM colin at g3psm.net
Tue Jul 4 11:11:36 EDT 2006


G3SVL wrote:

> Colin /et al/,
> Agree with sentiment that /A is redundant. Why did /"a number of 
> members"/ see it as necessary when they could have 2 locations already 
> - and do the RSGB consider those members were representative?
> I also have a query on the use of /P for Unattended (remote) operation.
> 1) If I operate an Unattended Station (say) 20 miles away, I have to 
> sign /P  -- why isn't that /A?

Agree, and that was suggested during our discussions.

> 2) If I operate my home station in Unattended mode (i.e. by internet 
> link from my office) then why do I have to sign /P? My Radio Equipment 
> is at the station location and the emitted RF is where it always is!

as per Clause 10(6), interested point - reverse engineering!   I'll check.

> Anyway, my question now is how do I (we) go about feeding these points 
> (very politely & positively, mind) into OFCOM?  Is the RSGB 
> coordinating or should it be via the OFCOM website (bit difficult as 
> this is not a Consultation document). Any assistance would be helpful.

There is a Ofcom/RSGB meeting scheduled for July 11th and BR68 is of 
course on the agenda.   I am led to believe we can still make minor 
changes, correct typos, omissions, obvious mistakes etc.   Please let me 
have your polite and positive comments before July 10th.

> Overall, welcome additions - any moves with a higher power contest NoV?

All I can say is - ongoing.


Colin, G3PSM

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