Colin G3PSM colin at g3psm.net
Sun Jul 9 09:42:06 EDT 2006

Likewise I  had a few hours to spend S & P ing this year but as Dave 
said conditions were not that inspiring although it was nice to hear 10 
metres fairly open.

191 Qs with a FT1000MP on it's own into an apparently intermittent DX77 
vertical and a 132 long wire up 30 foot.

Worked GB5HQ on most bands CW but didn't hear them on 20M.   I was 
suprised at the problem I had working them on 160M ?   Cracking signal 
with me but they obviously had problems with my signal.

Worked 4N9HQ and SN0HQ on all bands but not DA0HQ!

The highlight (?) was the ease with which I appear to have worked the 
majority of the PW5 and PT5 stations on 40 metres.


Colin, G3PSM


Dave Sergeant wrote:

>Well I had a little bash in this event, though I certainly did not do 
>it too seriously. With current conditions I found it not that 
>inspiring, but did manage to work a little bit of dx. Certainly 10m 
>was open for long times at least to EU. I turned in around 11pm 
>local, and then had a couple of hours from 7am.
>281 QSOs
>At least I was able to was able to work GB5HQ on all bands. As 
>expected 10m CW was by far the hardest, I called for a long time 
>while they were just hovering around the noise and eventually made a 
>good QSO on a short peak. 15m was also fairly hard, but I later heard 
>them an excellent signal there. Only managed 4 bands with DA0HQ!
>I got a nice certificate through the other day for the 2005 event - 
>in the QRP section I was first G, first Zone 27 and 10th world. Not 
>sure how I will fair this time, but got the impression support from G 
>land wasn't that high. Maybe all the serious ops were at GB5HQ!
>73 Dave G3YMC
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