[UK-CONTEST] GB5HQ - more thoughts

Darren Hatcher darren.hatcher at btopenworld.com
Mon Jul 10 14:02:45 EDT 2006


As one of the station builders last weekend for both 10m SSB (Steve, G0AEV)
and 20m SSB (Andy, G4PIQ), I can confirm a lot of work is done before hand
to get this all operational. 

In terms of performance, I guess Dave will hopefully provide output when
there has been a chance for further analysis. What I do know is that the
stations I was involved with did perform better than last year, QSO counts
being the first measure.

The one thing I should have done was done some to take recordings of 'my
end' to pass to BUO. This would be so the team know what it sounds like from
various parts of the UK (and further away) and what was going on when slow
or busy. If something doesn't sound right, a recording to the op should
help. I'm on a bit of wire at 10m, which is pretty much what I guess the
average home station has out there. Did anyone taken recordings over the

Dipole's were mentioned for local QSOs. I know for 20m SSB, there was a low
20m dipole and reflector (at 40 feet) oriented E/W. It will be interesting
to understand the performance of that, as in 2005 it was three systems (two
at 80 and one at 100 feet).

Well done to the GB5HQ team and 360-odd days and counting ...

Darren - G0WCW

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