[UK-CONTEST] 80M Clubs contest series and Northern Ops

Andy Swiffin a.l.swiffin at dundee.ac.uk
Tue Jul 11 04:25:13 EDT 2006

> Having now experienced an 80m UK contest from Scotland, I agree with 
> Alex GM3ZBE that, perhaps not surprisingly, things are a lot tougher
> such events for those north of the border.
> Although the only GMs worked by Dave G3YMC were GM0ELP and me (as 
> GM4ALG/P), Alex GM3ZBE was a cracking signal in Newcastleton.  I also

> worked GM3VTY; GM40SS; and GM0DHZ - so there were certainly other GMs

> QRV.  Propagation does indeed seem to be a significant factor, as 
> suggested by Alex.

> Does anyone fancy plotting the consistently high scorers in 80m CC on
> map of the UK?

Radial ring scoring aka vhf contests would make an interesting change
to the scores....   I expect such a suggestion to go down like a lead
balloon in middleG (don't you think Alex?)  ;-)



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