[UK-CONTEST] Ofcom/RSGB meeting

Peter Bowyer peter at bowyer.org
Wed Jul 12 08:46:02 EDT 2006

Sounds like a great step forward, Colin - thanks for your work with
Ofcom and for sharing the results with the community so effectively.

Peter G4MJS

On 12/07/06, Colin G3PSM <colin at g3psm.net> wrote:
> Those of you that are dying to learn the outcome of yesterdays meeting
> with Ofcom will no doubt be please to learn that it was very successful
> and major steps were taken towards a final version of the BR68(Of178)
> that will be acceptable to the majority of Radio Amateurs.   The
> following major changes to the latest Ofcom sample were agreed but are
> subject to Ofcom solicitors agreement -
> The use of suffixes i.e. /A, /M, /MM, /P will not be mandatory.   The
> wording relevant to this subject will be moved to the Notes to the
> licence and made recommendations.
> The additional Club prefixes will remain but the usage will be
> optional.   These again will be moved to the Notes to the licence.
> Clause 10 on Unattended and remote control operation will be re-written
> in plain English so that it can be understood.   Even Ofcom agreed that
> they were not sure what they had written!
> We are going to take yet another look at Clause 13 - Identification and
> the various interpretations that can be used.
> In the Tables to Schedule 1 the column headed 'permitted types of
> Transmission' will be deleted as will the 'Types of transmission' table
> in Schedule 2.   It was agreed that these were inhibiting factors and
> not in line with current Ofcom and European policy of 'Technology
> Neutrality'.
> Finally it was a concensus view of the meeting that Foundation licencees
> will be permitted access to the Amateur Satellite Service as well as the
> 10GHz microwave band.   Obviously the Foundation licence course work
> will need reviewing.
> There were many other issues discussed both on the BR68(Of178) issue and
> other subjects but the above represents the major chunk of the work
> dealt with.
> 73
> Colin, G3PSM
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Peter Bowyer
Email: peter at bowyer.org

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