[UK-CONTEST] The RSGB/Ofcom discussions

Colin G3PSM colin at g3psm.net
Wed Jul 12 15:02:50 EDT 2006

I have deliberately avoided getting involved with the semantics of the 
other discussion but in answer to Phil's questions -

>I was interested to learn that the FL's will get access to the satellite
>service! Not sure whether that is really necessary, as I do agree (in this
>small part) that the FL's need some sort of incentive.
>I do have one query though........... Will the M3's get access to 28MHz?
>I have always thought it odd that they cannot use 10m, but can use 30m! OK,
>I suppose they could use RTTY/PSK on 30m, but it is mainly CW only, and
>there are very few M3's using CW.
This announcement has already been made that this will happen from 1st 

>The one part of Colin's email I don't grasp is
>"The additional Club prefixes will remain but the usage will be optional. "
>So what is the point? Surely it is optional now? Or have I missed a serious
>point here?
>Why are we bothering with GX/GP etc etc? Our club has the call GU3HFN, and
>that is what is uses.
>There were times in the past when GP3HFN was aired, but it only seemed to
>cause major confusion, especially to non-G stations. Indeed, there are many
>outside the UK that can't even cope with 2U0/MU3 calls!
>I handle the GU/MU QSL cards, and see a large number of cards intended for
>2U0 calls written as GU0.
>So why do we need GX/GP etc?
The intention is to regularise the situation where the additional club 
prefix should only have been used to pass greetings messages as per 
Clause 1(8) of the current BR68.   This requirement no longer exists but 
it transpires that a number of clubs have invested in QSL cards, 
T-shirts and the like.   As is the situation for log-keeping and using 
suffixes, you don't HAVE to do it, because there is no legal requirement 
but the opportunity is there should you wish to do so.

Can I just add that I am just the person who co-ordinated the responses 
and presented the case to Ofcom.   There are many more people and 
organisations who provided the input, including a number on this reflector.


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