[UK-CONTEST] Contesting and the state of it
Don Field
don.field at gmail.com
Fri Jul 14 15:31:42 EDT 2006
While Phil is quite right about contesting not being to everyone's taste, I
gather that VERON (Dutch society) polled its younger members recently about
what motivated them in amateur radio after getting their basic licences, and
contesting and other competitive activities featured high on the list. WWYC
(Worldwide Young Contesters) seem to underline this point. And young Dan in
the Reading club of which I am a member (see Dan'd recent picture in RadCom
- he's 12, if I recall correctly) has taken to contesting like the
proverbial duck to water.
One of the great things about contesting is that you all get to know each
other, at least by call. This is unlike DXing, where you all sit in a pile
and call the DX station. In contesting you call each other, so it's a very
sociable activity.
Anyway, on this reflector this is a case of preaching to the converted, but
there really is scope for interesting newcomers in this aspect fo the hobby,
even if many of our club members are focused elsewhere.
Phil's posting is particularly apt because I rather suspect that one of the
motivations for contesting in Guernsey ("Our own club used to do a lot of
contesting") was seeing groups like GU6UW and GU8D doing well from there and
wanting to emulate that. There is, of course, plenty more that can be done
to spread the message. Subscribers to the CQ Contest reflector, for example,
will be aware of work being done to create realtime scoreboards. Not
everyone is in favour, but it's one possible initiative to draw in a wider
The more suggestions the merrier!
On 7/14/06, Phil Cooper <pcooper at guernsey.net> wrote:
> Evening all...........
> Some very intersting points raised so far about the general state of
> contesting in the UK.
> I have to say that contesting is not everyone's cup of tea, and I really
> don't think we can base the future of amateur radio on contesting.
> Contesting is but one facet of our hobby, and there are others for whom a
> contest is the last thing they see amateur radio for.
> Personally, I am a contester, and yes, I too set out to "win". Not win the
> contest, but I consider a "win" if I improve my ability and/or technique
> and
> beat my previous score. Mind you, I do have loads of certificates for 1st
> Place - Guernsey!
> One other advantage of entering contests is to get your callsign known.
> It is amazing the number of times I have been able to work some juicy DX,
> simply because the op at the far end remembers my call from a contest.
> Another point I would like to make is that entering a contest is fine, but
> I
> am surprised at the number of people who make a serious effort in the
> contest, and then never submit a log! Why not?
> Some will not go to the trouble of creating a Cabrillo file, so why not
> just
> submit a plain text file as a check-log?
> Getting folk interested in contesting is what counts. If we can nurture
> that
> spark seen in some of the newcomers, then maybe they will get the bug and
> join in. I guess the 80m CC's have gone some way towards that.
> The drawback - if there is one - is that this series of contests has now
> become VERY competitive, and some M3's (especially) and others with
> smaller
> stations have dropped out simply because they can't get heard.
> On the other hand, is it so very wrong if someone takes their FL, and then
> is quite happy to chat with friends on 40/80m?
> Our own club used to do a lot of contesting, but interest in going to the
> club for contests has waned, and I think this is mostly to do with the
> fact
> that many of us now have far better stations at home.
> Even 10 eyars ago, our club had a much better set-up than most
> individuals,
> so we all went to the club to take part in whatever contests we could.
> Now,
> we seem to do more from home.
> I think this is a reflection of our own economic situation than anything
> else.
> Sorry for rambling a little, and yes, I know this is a contest forum!
> 73 all, and have a good weekend!
> Phil GU0SUP
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