[UK-CONTEST] UK-Contest Digest, Vol 43, Issue 30

Bob Henderson bob at 5b4agn.net
Sat Jul 15 03:11:46 EDT 2006

Geoff, G4AFJ wrote:

> There's food for thought here in that if you want amateur radio contesting
> to improve you have to be prepared to put in some training for the less
> experienced ops in a club situation. Perhaps there should be an 
> alternative HQ
> station for just this purpose?
> 73, Geoff

It seems to me.....

The contest calender is positively bursting with events eminently suited to 
this purpose.  Any club motivated to provide such a facility for their 
members can find a contest with a multi-op category most weekends.
On the other hand, there should be a defined mechanism by which parties 
interested in participating in the GB5HQ effort can register their interest. 
I would suggest that whether such interest ends up being well served must 
ultimately be at the discretion of participating station owners, for without 
these, the RSGB entry would likely fizzle and die.

Bob, 5B4AGN

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <Geoffg4afj at aol.com>
To: <uk-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, July 15, 2006 6:49 AM
Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] UK-Contest Digest, Vol 43, Issue 30

> In a message dated 13-Jul-06 09:30:03 PM GMT Daylight Time,
> uk-contest-request at contesting.com writes:
> In my  opinion, this is the very reason why private individuals opening up
> their  home stations is not the ideal solution for this particular 
> contest.
> The  current solution is fine for a private contest team but not  very
> representative of the RSGB. I would rather we competed by  offering
> affiliated clubs, band/mode slots based on their results in RSGB 
> contests.
> Yes, we may be competing at a lesser level, but the level of  interest and
> support across the nation would be very much greater. No, I  don't mean in
> terms of points in the contest, I mean in terms of the  majority "Tom, 
> Dick
> or Harry" (quoting G3XTT) RSGB members getting  involved.
> The above solution may inspire contesters and normal RSGB members 
> together,
> to progress their club stations and their contest operating  skills, with 
> the
> goal being, the honour of representing their nation. I  feel that this
> solution is more representative of the RSGB than the current  one. This is 
> a
> classic example of working as a  team.
> There's food for thought here in that if you want amateur radio contesting
> to improve you have to be prepared to put in some training for the less
> experienced ops in a club situation. Perhaps there should be an 
> alternative HQ
> station for just this purpose?
> 73, Geoff
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