[UK-CONTEST] UK-Contest Digest, Vol 43, Issue 41

Contesting contesting at m5aav.org.uk
Mon Jul 17 14:19:50 EDT 2006

Quoting from the message of Mon, 17 Jul 2006 19:03:53 +0100 from "Steve
White" <g3zvw at talktalk.net> :

> My conscience tells me that we (the UK, that is, not just the subscribers to
> this reflector) should indeed have special stations to mark the olympics in
> 2012, but my gut reaction is to think that it will cause umpteen vitriolic
> messages to be sent by those who beleive they have been done out of
> something.

Well, all I can say is that if somebody does get round to organising
such an 'event', I hope that the QSL cards produced are not 'quite' as
bad as those done for the Manchester Commonwealth Games. <smile>

I will be interested to see or hear exactly how DARC are handling the
DR/DQ QSL side of things with not far short of a Million QSO's to be
confirmed 'automagically'. The expense alone makes me shudder.

As for SS Stations during and around the 2012 'fiasco'  - assuming we
can build half a stadium in time [Wembley might be finished] - It is
still a 'money spinner' for the Southeast, and the rest of the Country
will just be forgotten, no doubt, moreso when it comes to deciding 'who
does what'.

73 Graham [In Lancashire, being slightly cynical]


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