Mike Harris mike.harris at horizon.co.fk
Wed Jul 19 19:15:22 EDT 2006


|I would like to express my appreciation of the BERU results - 
| informative and very well laid out webpages.
| Congratulations and many thanks to you Bob G3PJT for all your efforts - 
| work OM!

I'll go along with this.  I was pleased to see that I had made a small 
improvement, let down mainly by lack of mults on 20m.  Too many G's in the 
last hour.

| Am 100% with Les G3VQO on inter-UK working - BERU is a great challenge 
| is and I think we have enough contests which encourage QSOs between UK 
| Thanks also to Les for his BERU input.

I assume I'm correct in thinking that VK's, ZL's and VE's can all 
inter-work within their call areas.  The different call areas all count 
for me.  If inter-UK was accepted then It would work for me as well. 
Multipliers are the big factor in this contest and inter-UK would soon 
lose its value and folks would reach out for DX.  My nearest CC call area 
is 6000km away not 200km or less over the border to Wales.  However, I'm 
not going to die in a ditch over it.

I think SJJ's 290 QSO's from the station described sets a pretty low 
standard of expectation.  2kW output, hmm, I don't see that anywhere in 
BR68 but what the heck, why ruin a habit of 40 years or so.

I will keep my Acom 1000 at a cool 400W max.  If I remember correctly, 
what passes for a licence here says something about 150W into the anode of 
the final valve, powered from accumulators too.


Mike VP8NO

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