G3SJJ g3sjj at btinternet.com
Mon Jun 12 17:52:56 EDT 2006

No Graham, I am not but others think that way. There are a few 
competitors in the UK, not many thank goodness, and probably elsewhere, 
who purposely won't publicise their score until the deadline even though 
it is ready and available to do so. My feeling is that these people, by 
inference, accusing others, may themselves be inclined to cheat. I just 
find it a distasteful practice.  Chris G3SJJ.

woodg at lindsey.tlfe.org wrote:
> Ref: Previous message from G3SJJ.
> I was beginning to think we were going to see the same silliness that 
> appears in some events where top teams won't declare their score in case 
> the competition alters theirs!!
> Surely Chris you're not suggesting people actually cheat in contests!!!! NEVER.
> Graham G3VIP.
> ---
> woodg at lindsey.tlfe.org
> http://www.lindsey.tlfe.org/
> --
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