[UK-CONTEST] Re Contest results/publishing etc

G3SJJ g3sjj at btinternet.com
Wed Jun 14 16:34:26 EDT 2006

Graham, I am sure the unpaid volunteer would be most pleased if you took 
over on the task. You would then be in a position to make a real difference.
Chris G3SJJ

Contesting wrote:
> Quoting from the message of Wed, 14 Jun 2006 19:18:33 +0100 from "Phil
> Cooper" <pcooper at guernsey.net> :
>> How do we get new blood into the contesting fraternity? Well, taking 11
>> months to produce results from IOTA doesn't help in this age of instant
>> gratification! 
> Just a small correction Phil.
> The 2005 IOTA Results have been on the HFCC Website since
> January.......I will ignore the statement that 'Results will be sent to
> all participants who provide an e-mail address' as that has failed to be
> implemented as far as my Mailbox is concerned.
> My Gripe is that come June 14th - ie: Five Months after publication I
> have not receieved my Certificate. A posting to the IOTA yahoodlegroup
> elicited no response, although I have now stirred the matter up with the
> powers that be, but I do not know whether *anyone* has received theirs
> as yet. 
> If the answer is in the negative then it is throwing a very bad light
> onto what is supposedly the RSGB's Premier International Contest.
> I just hope that the eventual excuse is not along the lines of 'The RSGB
> President has lost his pen' as when I was chatting to Sylvia at HQ about
> other matters in late April, She had managed to get him to sign the IARU
> ones and at that time had not even seen the IOTA ones.
> 73 Graham M5AAV
> PS Thanks for the QSO in ANARTS Phil - GU was actually a new DXCC for me on 20

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