[UK-CONTEST] Contesting awards

Contesting contesting at m5aav.org.uk
Fri Jun 16 10:08:44 EDT 2006

Quoting from the message of Fri, 16 Jun 2006 14:40:08 +0100 from "Steve
White" <g3zvw at talktalk.net> :

> In a recent post, Paul, G6PZ mentioned having received a plaque for the UBA
> contest. This prompts me to relate to you all my experience of entering the
> WAB LF contest, which took place on Sunday 21 May. The rules give entrants
> 21 days to post their entries, and I must admit I took all 21 of them
> because I posted it last Sunday. Imagine my surprise when yesterday, four
> days after posting my entry, I received in the post a very nicely printed
> certificate for winning it. Now I know WAB don't get anything like as many
> entries to their events as RSGB do, but it does make you think!

> Steve, G3ZVW


Glad to hear that WAB are still able to make a quick turnround.

I cannot claim 4 days during my 3 years as Contest Mangler for them, but
I know my predecessor told me in no uncertain terms to shift 'em out as
fast as one could.

73 Graham


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