[UK-CONTEST] RSGB 21/28 MHz Contest

John Muzyka g4rcg at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Jun 17 12:10:26 EDT 2006

Sounds a better format, but still cant understand why G's  cant work G's for points
  Might even get a bit more interest up in the test
  John G4RCG

hfcc.chairman at rsgb.org.uk wrote:

This is to announce the running of a modified 21/28 MHz contest on Sunday the 1st October 2006.
Sorry it has taken so long to sort this out, but there have been a number of issues out side our control. Not least of these was the possibility that DARC would move the WAG contest to avoid conflict with JOTA. This we understand is not going to take place and we can confidently move the new single dual mode event.

For some time now there has been concern at the dwindling number of participants in both the CW and SSB 21/28 MHz contests. The naturally declining solar cycle, combined with the increasing popularity of the coincident Worked All Germany contest, meant that the HFCC decided to conduct a review of the continued viability of the event. This took some considerable time, as all options from continuing the status quo to cancellation were discussed. Even when there was agreement on the way forward, the choice of date for the revised contest caused some delay, in order to avoid conflicting events such as other contests and the RSGB HF Convention. Hopefully, our choice of date will give the revamped 21/28 contest a chance to succeed, even with the unfortunate, but unavoidable, late announcement. The contest will appear on the 2007 calendar a little earlier! Indeed the 2007 Contest calendar has been agreed and will be published on the HFCC web site soon.

The rules are as follows:

RSGB 21/28MHz Contest 2006.

Date: Sunday 1 October 2006

Time: 0700-1900UTC. 

Frequencies: CW: 21000-21075, 21125-21150 and 28000-28150
SSB: 21150-21350 and 28450-29000 

Entrants are requested not to operate in the sub-band 21075 - 21125kHz.

Modes: CW, SSB

Exchange: RST + serial number. UK stations will also send their two-letter district code. 

Sections: Entries may be CW only, SSB only or mixed. Cross mode QSO’s are NOT allowed
(a) UK Stations
(b) Overseas Stations

Additionally, stations may enter in one of the following categories - 
(1) Open - no restriction on power or antenna
(2) Restricted - a maximum of 100 watts output and only one antenna per band, which must be a single element with a maximum height of 15m
(3) QRP - a maximum of 10 watts output, no antenna restriction

Multi-Operator entries are accepted. Stations using packet or other spotting facilities must enter as multi-operator stations.

The results will be published in the form of a single list for each section, with mode and category annotated for each entrant.

The same station may be contacted on both bands and both modes for points and multipliers.
UK stations - 3 points per contact with overseas stations. Multipliers as per General Rules, except that the UK call areas do not count for multiplier or QSO point credit.
Overseas stations - 3 points per contact with UK stations. Multipliers for the first contact with each UK District per band and mode (ie maximum of four multipliers for each district). Overseas stations may only work UK stations. 

A list of UK Districts is available at - http://www.contesting.co.uk/hfcc/information/districtcodes.shtml

Closing date for logs: to be e-mailed or postmarked by Monday 16th October 2006. E-mail entries should be sent to 2128.logs at rsgb.org.uk

Certificates of merit to the overall highest-scoring station in each section (UK, Overseas) on each mode CW, SSB, Mixed). Additionally, a certificate to the highest-scoring station in each of the Open, Restricted, QRP and Multi-Operator categories in each section and on each mode, subject to there being a minimum of three competitors for any certificate. A maximum of one award per entrant.

The T.E. Wilson G6VQ Trophy to overall leading UK single operator using CW only. 
The Whitworth Trophy to the leading UK single operator using SSB only. 
The Powditch Trophy to the UK single operator achieving the highest score on 28MHz regardless of mode. 

Justin, G4TSH
Chairman RSGB HFCC

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