Callum M0MCX callum at mccormick.uk.com
Thu Jun 22 18:35:06 EDT 2006

I had a great night tonight making 163 Qs with 2 dupes. I was so lucky with
my run frequency too with very little QRM and I even managed a whisker of
S02V (which I'm practicing) to give me half a dozen or so more QSOs than I
would have scored.


Biggest scare for me was hearing M0GWS giving me 200 at 9:10pm (local) for
my 129. G3VCA and M0WLF were the only other stations to give me a bigger
number. Surely I can't have done that well..?


A personal best for my little station - thanks to all who worked me!


(80 meter freaks: please remember to find me operating GB5HQ on 80 meters,
7th / 8th July!)


Kind regards,





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