[UK-CONTEST] Bencher paddle problem

Ian White GM3SEK gm3sek at ifwtech.co.uk
Sun Mar 5 05:06:46 EST 2006

Somewhere in the years of commuting between England and Scotland 
(thankfully now over) the dot paddle of my BY-1 must have had a knock. 
Nothing is visibly bent or broken, but very occasionally the paddle 
jumps to a different position and sends intermittent strings of dots in 
mid-QSO... as if my sending wasn't embarrassing enough already.

I can't see or feel any obvious cause, but suspect that one of the metal 
spikes has dug into its plastic insert, creating two microscopically 
different pivot points.

Bencher have supplied a diagram and parts list for the BY-1, but I'm not 
sure which bits to order.

Any experience of this problem, please?

73 from Ian GM3SEK

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