[UK-CONTEST] RX Coax Loops

G3SJJ g3sjj at btinternet.com
Thu Mar 9 18:00:48 EST 2006

Thanks Berni. Yes, it is looking as though the loop is too big for the 
coax used. I will have another go tmw. I have got another 21ft of the 
LDF2-50 and was going to make a topband loop. Thankfully I decided to do 
the 80m one first!  73 Chris G3SJJ

Berni GU0IDA wrote:

>  I noticed you are using 11ft of coax, it is supposed to be 10ft, the length is very critical !!
>  Also the cut in the outer of the coax at the top is 1 inch, no more and no less.... quite critical measurements in a small loop like this.
>  I've just built (with the help of Keith GU6EFB and his magnificent workshop) a 160m coax loop using RG58, the length is exactly 20ft, so is YOX's, very nice, a work of art if you get the chance to see it........ and the best thing is that these lops really do work !!
>  All the best,
>  Berni
>G3SJJ <g3sjj at btinternet.com> wrote:
>  I've been messing around with a coax loop from 80m based on the 160m 
>loop that Bob GU4YOX is using but am not happy with it.
>I have used 11ft of LDF2-50 in 3.5ft diameter circular loop. I started 
>off with a 400pF variable C to tune it but could detect no difference 
>throughout the span of the capacitor. I have added a 200pF fixed C but 
>still no peak.
>Any thoughts?
>Chris G3SJJ
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