[UK-CONTEST] CC - 2006.
g3sjj at btinternet.com
Mon Mar 13 12:45:33 EST 2006
Brian, just a quick comment before I go off to my French Class and then
for a beer with Ian G4IIY
The rules discriminate against the UK stations by a ratio of 2 to 1 at
least. You might have achieved 500 Qs but even a well equipp stationa
and experienced op in the UK is lucky to attain half that. Expect UK
stations to retain interest at a rate of 5 to 10 Qs per hours seems
unreasonable to me. Why complain about not CC stations, work 'em, helps
to pass the time.
Why should P3J be not OK??
Pity you missed VK6HD he called youi acouple of times. I had another
funny on 40m, whilst working J88DR I could here another weak station,
switched the 40m phased array to East and found it was Rich 9M2CNC so
worked him. Two QSOs on the same freq which having to QRM either of them!
OK, off to night school. 73 Chris G3SJJ
brian coyne wrote:
>After my blog here last week throwing toys from the
>pram in the event Saturday here was cloudy and windy.
>In truth regardless of weather I would have stayed
>with it because not having done this one for a number
>of years I had forgotten what a challenge this contest
>is, so hooey to those who complain about rates and
>antiquity. Those who entered can recognise the
>achievement made by Dave and Don when we look at those
>bonus scores.
>I expect some impressive totals to come from Geo
>5B4AGC, Alan P3J, (is that call ok by the rules?) and
>Steve ZC4LI, but it is far easier to do beru from here
>some 2k miles east of uk where we get propagation for
>certain if a band is open and so many G stns to work.
>Where is the new blood, have they all grabbed mic's? I
>worked three 2E0's (and very proficient they all were
>with good sigs too) plus one each from Wales and
>Scotland same grade, and one M3 and that was it. I
>would have expected a few more to show up to grab some
>new countries so we do not appear to be winning any of
>those hearts and minds over to cw.
>I was disappointed with cndx, esp 20 & 40 where dx
>sigs were absent or very weak and really worked so
>very few. Just three zl's, one zs and no vk2/3 at all.
>10Mtrs. Recent experience has shown openings to be
>rare and brief so when I moved Peter (LET) up from 15
>not long after the start we made the contact and I
>intended to ride it hard, some chance!, I had just
>five further q's, zc4, 7p, 9j, vu and g4buo. Despite
>many visits I never caught another opening.
>80mtrs. I did not expect very much and that's what I
>got, 45 q's with just 9 bonuses, the best being vk6 &
>vel (zz of course).Sorry if you called and I didn;t
>pull you through, I couldn't hear a bally thing most
>of the time through the noise and static.
>15/20/40. Remaing contacts were pretty evenly divided
>across these bands. 15 closed for me after first
>couple of hours but did open Sunday when I was able to
>log 65 the last hour. Not one ve hrd here.
>On 20/40 the dx I could hear did not copy me or, as in
>the case of carib es vk/zl I could not break the pile
>of G stns calling.
>Frustrations - quite a few. Moving a couple of dx stns
>up to 15mtrs and not hrg them, nothing new there but
>then those stns being called by further exotic dx who
>I hrd very well but in both cases again failed to
>raise, so what on a good day could have been four nice
>ones netted me zilch.
>Moving Bob 9H3 & VQ9 up to 10mtrs, hearing them but
>yet again I was not heard. At times like that or not
>hitting any piles, it is hard not to wish for a beam
>or a bit more poke under the bonnet, especially when
>there are no prizes for the low power handicap.
>Sunday drivers, - With a semi dx c/s you get a lot of
>grief from non participants but most have the
>experience or nous when you ask them to back off but
>yesterday am became a misery trying to copy beru stns
>through strong persistant slow sending, long winded eu
>idiots, am I picking up the sjj pen here?
>Best dx - Rodriges Is 3b9, an all time new for me from
>Lessons - Sleep longer, only 12 stns worked between
>0500 - 0830z. Cancel rit button after chasing someone
>who does not net on. My rig is totally u/s without max
>filtering of 600hz, SJJ told me a vk6 had been calling
>and I saw the problem but the vk6 had given up!.
>My score. 500q's - 87 bonus q's. Total points 4225.
>Rig Kenwood TS570 - 100W.
>Antennas - Cushcraft 5 band verical. 40mtr
>Delta Loop. Half sloper for 80.
>Operating time, ignoring mealbreaks etc, 20 hrs, bed
>0100 - 0500z.
>Pretty poor score really on the bonus count and will
>be bettered by many who have less than half my q
>count, but what the hell, I enjoyed it and that's what
>it is all about.
>Regards as always,
>Brian 5B/G4ODV.
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