[UK-CONTEST] CC. (happy Chris?).

brian coyne g4odv at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Mar 14 12:09:26 EST 2006

First let me apologise here to Alan P3J for the
careless remark I made about his c/s, further it
appeared to be a case of sour grapes on my part. Too
often do I put my typing fingers into gear before
engaging brain. I was thinking as an RSGB member
forgetting where I am, or more importantly where he
is. The rules I was thinking about apply to uk
participants only and not overseas entrants.

My contact with the 3b9 was also on 15m at 0616, I
guess he did not hang around for long.

Chris, when it comes to a choice of giving a non
participant a report we have to play it by ear 'just
work em' won't do. For instance on Sat evening when I
was having a dire time on 40 I did work a string of 18
JA's, whilst still calling for beru and not one taker
from elsewhere during that time (beats me why I did so
poorly on that band). The time I was referring to was
from 0815 onwards when 20 opened up to uk and I was
very busy, to take an outside call would have opened
the floodgates. Try asking Brian 9J2BO what he thinks
on the subject.

Re selectivity my old ts930 knocks spots off this
ts570 which is completely de-sensed by any strong
signal as far as 5khz either side of where I am,so my
filter is in at all times, vk6hd never found his way
into my log, even later.

73,  5b/g4odv.

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