G3SJJ g3sjj at btinternet.com
Wed Mar 15 17:37:03 EST 2006

99 Qs, no dupes. I just couldn't make the ton. Decided last week that I 
would use M0CMU to stop any silliness. So from there I decided to send 
only on the keyer at a constant 26wpm and not use ESM or F Keys for 
messages, although of course N1MM, mH Keyer/WinKey, Radio and Paddles 
are all connected together anyway.

S&Ped for the first 40 minutes. Two observations  - Even at the slower 
speed many more people got the callsign wrong than if I had used the 
infamous G3SJJ. One  thought is that SJJ is a recognised contest call 
but also M0 is just harder somehow to copy. - S&P would have been harder 
without a decent antenna.

An interesting and humbling experience. Useful to see things from the 
other side for a change.

Chris G3SJJ

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