[UK-CONTEST] CC (Club Contest that is)

Colin G3PSM colin at g3psm.net
Thu Mar 16 04:44:58 EST 2006

Excellent conditions although I was on the edge of what appeared to be a 
Navaid for most of the period.

One and a quarter hours running and 15 minutes S&Ping produced 112 Qs 
with no dupes and proved to be a good introduction to ESM techniques.   
Had problems with S&P although I suspect they were of my own making.   
Apologies to those who repeated their report after I sent ? after 
hitting enter.   It wasn't supposed to happen, honest.

MP to a 132 foot longwire running NE/SW, 35 feet AGL down to about 15 
feet AGL.


Colin, G3PSM

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