Steve Wilson, G3VMW steve at g3vmw.demon.co.uk
Thu Mar 16 06:17:32 EST 2006

My first entry in the 80m CC event and very much enjoyed since it was so 
laid back.  Most of the time I never went above 24wpm and it was 
wonderful to make QSOs with so many people I'd not heard on CW before.

I was pleased to work an M1, an M3, a G6 and a 2E0, as well as Brian 
5B/G4ODV who was very patient in calling me several times after I went 
back to louder stations.  The only slight problem I encountered was some 
kind person sending strings of badly formed dots and dashes on top of 
people I was trying to work.  I'm not sure if this was deliberate or 
possibly someone tuning up without listening first.  In the event, it 
didn't really cause any significant difficulty.

I think I made 137 clean QSOs and no dupes.  Hopefully, I logged 
everything correctly despite some rather unique CW styles.

SD worked flawlessly for me, but I didn't upgrade to the latest version 
12.14 and was using Version 12.11.  Also, It was the first proper test 
of a newly built Winkey via a cheap USB to serial converter from the 
shack PC, which all seemed to work well.

An excellent short contest format and well done to the organisers.


Steve Wilson, G3VMW
Bramham, Wetherby, West Yorkshire
Email: steve at g3vmw.demon.co.uk

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