[UK-CONTEST] Russian DX Contest

John Muzyka g4rcg at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Mar 19 17:20:19 EST 2006

This is the breakdown of my qso's I forgot to put in my 1st report
  John G4RCG
   Band    QSOs    Pts  Cty   Sec
   1.8     132    745   27   23
   3.5     324   1793   39   43
     7     373   2302   31   44
    14     629   4642   42   66
    21     152   1260   12   38
 Total    1610  10742  151  214
Score: 3,920,830

Chris Swallow <swallow at btconnect.com> wrote:
  Had a real bash at 20M in this.

Score line 1238 Q 68 DXCC 68 OB 8315 points -> 1,135,736

Missed load of multipliers but as SJJ said load of Russians so difficult to
find the correct time to S&P.

Great contest as when eu/as was closing NA really came into it's own, so
rate remained good.

Went to 15 after the close and worked a couple in the 9K contest, 15 was in
atrocious shape.

Seem to be doing a few too many contests at present but am loving the Orion
which makes it so tempting.



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