[UK-CONTEST] OT - solid screen coax

Peter Hobbs peter at tilgate.co.uk
Wed Mar 29 05:32:18 EST 2006

Really well OT  and an entirely unjustified use of bandwidth (for which
grovelling apologies) but, as has been repeatedly demonstrated, this is
where the real knowledge base resides.

1 minute of background because it's kind of an interesting situation.

An MoD job I'm doing to provide user training on the new Bowman radios at a
number of different sites requires real radios of different flavours (1.5 -
400MHz) to be  interconnected by a computer-controlled attenuator matrix.
This is coupled with terrain mapping and analysis tools to put trainees at
virtual locations and simulate propagation loss (in the HF, VHF or UHF bands
as appropriate) between any 2 radios in a training group.

Bowman is a big deal, as I guess many here will know, and provides a series
of network-ready radios to replace 30 year old Clansman in general service

In order for the simulation matrix to work properly at longer ranges, mega
isolation is needed between radios located in a single classroom.  Hence the
need for decent coax.

Unfortunately, I've run out of time to do a proper investigation but does
anyone know a good value bulk source of half inch corrugated solid screen
coax, suitable for fixed installation (i.e. super-flex not needed)?  I need
around 5 - 6km altogether, which will be cut into 5 - 20m lengths.

Any replies off list please.

Regards - Peter G3LET

PS the apology doesn't of course (how could it!) apply to JJ . . .

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