Colin G3PSM colin at g3psm.net
Thu Mar 30 08:41:31 EST 2006

Jim et al.

Jim Martin - MM0BQI wrote:

>For those of us who have not been involved in the past or are relative newcomers it would be really helpful if someone could give us a little history and an explanation of where we are today with high power, vanity calls, advanced license class etc.  Have these ideas been formally proposed to OfCom and discussed?  Does the RSGB have a policy on these issues?
I don't intend to go too deeply into history but suffice to say the past 
few years the switch from the Radiocommunications Agency to Ofcom 
followed by the recent internal re-organisation and loss of 
knowledgeable staff has not made negotiations easy with that 
organisation.   The past twelve months up to last December with two DTI 
secondees heading up the Amateur (and CB) department meant that little 
was being done with morale into negative figures.   However since the 
1st January matters have greatly improved with Ofcom employing Rod 
Wilkinson G3TXA to handle the day to day workings of the Amateur Radio 
department.   Most of you will know that Rod was previously employed by 
the Society in a similar position liaising on a day basis with Ofcom.

Meetings are held with Ofcom on a quarterly basis and matters of policy 
that are discussed include the forthcoming BR68 consultation, the 
forthcoming Fees Order consultation, the new OfCom licensing database, 
vanity callsigns, prefixes (GZ as a permanent prefix for the Shetlands 
for instance) and high power licences.   Meeting core members are Steve 
Roper (Ofcom Head of De-regulation), the President, the General Manager, 
and myself.   Other specialist persons from Ofcom and the Society are 
invited dependant on the agenda.   At the last meeting we also had the 
chairmen of the Data Communications Committee and the Repeater 
Management Committee.

>Although not something I am interested in for our group I am in favour of the 1500w limit which is used in other parts of the world to give our contesters a more level playing field in international events.  Would it be available to all or would there be some restrictions involved? 
>Vanity calls, first come first served, personal short contest calls?
>Advanced license based on what criteria?
The problem with high powered licences in the UK is that we are the most 
densely populated country in Europe.   This leads to concerns regarding 
environmental health hazards in urban conurbations so the immediate 
kneejerk reaction from the Ofcom field force is "no way".   Most Eastern 
European countries have other environmental pollution problems to sort 
out before they even think about r.f. radiation hazard so powers of 5 
and 10kW as indicated by an earlier email are not unusual.

There is no reason however why we should not press for high power 
licences for specific contests and for those stations  whose nearest 
neighbour might be a mile or so away.   There is certainly no chance at 
GB3RS (Potters Bar) where the outside noise pollution is intolerable.   
Stations in East Yorkshire and Shropshire immediately come to mind and 
I'm sure there are a lot more.   Please do not expect 1.5kW or even 1 kW 
as a norm, it won't happen.

Advanced licence - what advanced license ?   How would this fit into the 
CEPT/HAREC licencing structure?

>I believe those who are pushing the operating and technology boundaries in the hobby should be supported,  if changes such as these contribute to that advancement then I am all for change and progress.
I'm a little at a loss to see how the terms "operating and technology 
boundaries" and high power can be used in the same breath!   Brute force 
does not equate to an advance in technology.

Ah, bring back the days of 25W CW (stand back and put on tin hat)....


Colin, G3PSM

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