Contesting contesting at m5aav.org.uk
Thu Mar 30 15:15:18 EST 2006

Quoting from the message of Thu, 30 Mar 2006 21:03:07 +0100 (BST) from
QUENTIN COLLIER <q.g.collier at btinternet.com> :

> As regards the question about NFD inspections, this is certainly the
> case for HF NFD. 3 stations got inspected in 2005 (plus an attempt at
> a fourth, who had pulled out but not notified me accordingly, but
> that's another story!). And this honourable tradition will
> continue.....
Thanks for that Quin.

I can recall 'inspections' back in the 60's, when the 'man from the
ministry' [Hi] arrived on one occasion at dusk. Had he shouted he might
have been steered round the cow pats <grin>.



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