[UK-CONTEST] Generators - Adrian Rees
Ian White GM3SEK
gm3sek at ifwtech.co.uk
Wed May 31 03:28:15 EDT 2006
Cris wrote:
>Hi Adrian
>I agree with CKP - you will soon get fed up with the generator option -
Maybe the first thing to do is get a really clear idea of the advantages
of the remote site compared with home. As Chris SJJ says, no matter how
good it is, you don't want to be staggering up and down that hill in all
Best of all worlds (other than moving your whole house up there) would
be some antennas down at the house so you can listen, work a few people,
and make good decisions about when to head for the hill. But before you
can do that, you need a clear idea of how much better the signals will
be up there.
If you are only using the hill when you need to, and for big openings
and contests, a gene might be the way to go. At the very least it will
get you on the air sometime soon. And anyway, in that part of the world
you ARE going to need a gene anyway, as backup for the house (though
it's no darn good if you're snowed into the house while the gene is away
up the hill... better make it two genes then :-)
>you get some armoured mains cable and run that out to the shack. It won't
>be cheap but will save you in the long run (no pun intended!) when you consider
>the ongoing fuel costs and other running costs of a gennie.
450 metres is going to be seriously expensive, even at good discounts.
To see some typical trade prices, go to:
But then click on their Cable Size Calculator to see what size you
As for the RF, it looks like a long run of 600 ohm might be a reasonable
mid-term goal for HF, but VHF wouldn't be feasible. 450m of LDF5-50A
looks like 5-6dB at 144MHz.
This is beginning to look more and more like a small station at home, a
shack on the hill to which you take some gear when needed, and an old
beat-up Landrover with a gene on trailer. If you're intending to build
a shack and an antenna farm up there, you'll be needing a LOT of heavy
73 from Ian GM3SEK
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