[UK-CONTEST] WT v N1MM (was Re: 1.8 MHz Contest G3SJJ)
g3sjj at btinternet.com
Sun Nov 19 18:09:16 EST 2006
Hi Paul, extremely well thanks. I agree the users numbers of WT are
rapidly catching up with N1MM, and I recall Simon being the chief
architect of that in the UK.
Also to Chris WOJ, I moved from K8CC's NA, which was similar to CT, to
Writelog some 5 years ago and had a real hard time learning it. It was
initially a diddly mode program which was reluctantly dragged into real
modes. I think the real benefit of WT is that it came straight from a CT
environment without the baggage of diddlys, so I probably would have
taken to it better if I hadn't already gone through the hoops with WL
and now N1MM.
Having changed to Windows type s/w I was taken aback with the Logging
and QSO Entry area of WT. Almost a "Chinese" copy as I recall from CT. I
much prefer the ability to place the Entry section where I want it and
likewise the Log window. I was also surprised that the Log area doesn't
show the QRG only Band. Entry area is also very lacking in information,
beam heading for one. Its very basic and not what I would expect from
modern s/w. Again some windows are variable in size others aren't, strange.
I am still puzzled about bandmaps. Maybe I haven't learnt it properly
yet but none of the QSOs I made on S&P appeared on the BM. Also I didn't
get a 2nd VFO BM but again that could be me.
There is apparently a bug with Wintest and + key. I took out the His
Call bit just in case but then didn't get Changed Call to work. I ams
till trying to understand how long it will be before an upgrade comes
out. It's beginning to look a bit like WL in that respect.
I was gob-smacked that as standard, default CW messages have speed up
and down in them. An appallingly poor operating technique. Also I see
that you can alter how many times you send TU QRZ etc before your call
is sent. Again promulgating bad operating practice. OK, they can be
taken out, but they shouldn't be there at all!!
Cluster has a separate program, again very odd for modern software. So
when I use WT with Cluster, I have three separate programs running. WT,
WTTelnet and AR User.
I found going back to CT type operating hard going and distracting.
Hitting F1 for CQ, then Ins, Space Bar and +, as opposed to Enter,
Enter, Enter etc in N1MM.
Perhaps the only saving grace was that WT didn't seem to rely on using
the mouse so much. To my mind, the mouse and contests are not compatible!!
I am not a "flitter" hence want one program for contesting and one for
general use. I guess an analogy would be Imperial v Metric. I mentally
converted several years ago in most measurements and would be happy to
be 100% Metric. I find it frustrating to see signs saying Junction 100
YDS or fog warnings of visibility down to 200 yds. I am a simple guy at
heart and Metric is simple. I know because at school I had to go through
the stupidity if being able to divide Yards Feet & Inches into Pounds,
Shillings and Pence.
"Everyone has their own gout" as the French say!! Chris G3SJJ
Paul Beecham wrote:
> Hi Chris trust your well, we will be using Wintest again this year, I
> think we can equate the value of WT by the number of stations now using it!
> We were one of the first, now we are amongst the many !! If any body
> want's more info about Wintest see Simon M0CLW.
> 73 Paul
> G6PZ ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Chris Tran" <zl1ct at gm7v.com>
> To: <uk-contest at contesting.com>
> Sent: Sunday, November 19, 2006 2:10 PM
> Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] 1.8 MHz Contest G3SJJ
>> Hi all
>> Chris G3SJJ wrote :
>>> Used Wintest in support of the G5W effort next weekend and have to say I
>>> don't like it. Very much old CT style, log and QSO entry window all one
>>> and in a fixed position on the screen. Really old hat. No ESM so hands
>>> needing to wander all over the keyboard. It doesn't handle Winkey well
>>> at all.
>> Sorry you didn't like WinTest Chris - I think it's the best CW contesting
>> software to come along for a long time. Maybe I'm not understanding ESM
>> correctly but I can't see any advantages in it at all. Not sure why your
>> WT
>> would have wrong speeds, I think they are fairly accurate (direct LPT
>> keying, not via WinKey) ?
>> All down to how we operate CW individually of course. We've given up on
>> Writelog and I don't like N1MM - most un-user-friendly software ever !
>> WinTest looks a bit like good ole CT but is 200% more sophisticated.
>> Networking is rock-solid and it handles serial number sending better than
>> most of the other contest logging software.
>> Please work GD6IA in CQ WW CW next weekend - using WinTest of course !
>> I've recently added more info to my lattice tower ramblings on
>> www.qsl.net/gm3woj/latticetower.htm
>> 73
>> Chris
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