philhss at tesco.net philhss at tesco.net
Tue Nov 28 23:46:47 EST 2006

Well, that was fun.

It would've been more fun, if I'd have had narrow filters available on the FT920 I was using! Signing as VK2BAA/6, I was on the receiving end of a splendid pile-up - but had to work hard to decipher calls as they all turned to mush in the bedlam.

I was fortunate to be invited to use the facilities of the Northern Corridor Radio Group just north of Perth, VK6ANC. They kindly let me loose on their station as nobody at the Club wanted to play in CQWW CW and I happened to be working in the area at the time. I'm very grateful to them as I would've missed the contest otherwise.

I was only participating as a part-time effort, as the locals forced me to drink beer and attend a BBQ on the Saturday. And the Sunday. They forced me - honest they did.

I played on other bands when 15m died out, to achieve 895 Qs and 511,609 points overall. I've not worked out the 15m score itself as yet. The bands seemed in pretty-good shape from this side of the planet, but I didn't have 80 or 160 antennae. 10m wasn't brilliant, but then again, there could've been a huge opening and I would've been on 15m (or drinknig beer of course!) so I'd have missed it anyway.....

Apologies to all that called but I failed to grab their callsign from the cacophony.


Phil Smeaton

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