paul at greenrover.demon.co.uk paul at greenrover.demon.co.uk
Wed Nov 29 06:52:53 EST 2006

Hi all

Single op unassisted low power.

  Band    QSOs    Pts  Cty   ZN
    3.5     157    237   51   13

Only managed a few hours S&P. Strange conditions with very little G 
activity, only heard + worked G0WKW G5W and M6T all 9++ but no one 
else.. I worked more GM's than G. I didn't hear a single GW in the few 
hours I was on.

Someone mentioned earlier that they were called by a lot of stns "in 
country" and concluded that they probably didn't understand the rules. 
I'm sure this is the case, I know a few people who if they just stumble 
across a contest in progress they will try to give a few points away, 
they are just trying to help out.

Decided to run without the amp to see how much harder it would be and I 
don't suppose anyone here needs telling that it was...

West coast and Canada still just about audible at 12:00 on the Sunday 
which was good to hear.

Moving the end of my dipole away from the vertical seems to have made 
quite a difference, there is now a much more noticeable difference 
between the two antennas.

Got more used to ESM this time.

Worked LW for an all time new one... I wondered why LW was in zone 14 
till I tuned back and realised it was LX.. thought he was a bit loud.

As usual, it was easy to spot the FT1Klicks ..

Spent a fair bit of wasted effort calling auto cq'ers while their owners 
were off making coffee or working mults, SO2R might be good from your 
end of the deal :-)

Originally planned to make a half serious effort on 160m but it turned 
out to be an abysmal weekend due to some domestic issues.. local youth 
decided to go on a vandalism spree in the village, caused loads of 
damage to property / cars / windows. so after that didn't feel much like 

Managed to work some nice dx though and I suppose I can draw some 
pleasure from cracking a couple of pileups with low power.

Take 100 lines - I Promise to be more committed next time..

73 de Paul GW8IZR IO73TI

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