Ian White GM3SEK gm3sek at ifwtech.co.uk
Thu Nov 30 12:47:12 EST 2006

         Band    QSOs    Pts  Cty   ZN
            7     475     810  101   26
        Total     475     810  101   26

            Score : 102,870

              Rig : FT-1000MP, GS35B amp

         Antennas : Quarter-wave vertical

This year was an effort to increase the country score on 40 CW from this 
new QTH, so I entered the Assisted category. The antenna was just a 30ft 
fishing-pole vertical at one corner of the projected four-square array. 
The wind was Force 9 in this exposed location, with no possibility to 
crank the tower up.

Total operating time was only about 12 hours, with a lot of S&P, a 
little running, and also fitting in two parties over the weekend.

By Sunday evening the QSOs had reached about 400, with 10 all-time new 
countries and 100 for the contest. To get a bit more practice with 
running, I took the claimed score up to 100k and picked up another 
country in the process, so the contest ended well.

I am slowly getting better at translating straight from Morse to 
keyboard without moving my lips, but still finding it hard to jump 
across to the paddles and get straight into sync.

73 from Ian GM3SEK

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