[UK-CONTEST] 21/28MHz Contest G3SJJ

G3SJJ g3sjj at btinternet.com
Sun Oct 1 17:14:48 EDT 2006

If only!   Nice contest format, pity about condx. 15m has been much 
improved during the preceding few days. SFI going up, A index going 
down. Checked WWV when I opened up the DX Cluster this morning and guess 
what, minor storm A index up to 15. True to form, very little northern 
hemisphere. No W/VE, Carib, VK, ZL, UA9, OH etc. Slightly compensated by 
some strong Es into the rest of Europe. Amazing amount of newer DLs. A 
good opening to South America on 15m late afternoon and also on 10m in 
the last hour. A high proportion (26) of Qs were non contest, ie logged 
as serial number 0. Had fun clicking on spots to bring them in to 2nd 
VFO window so I could check them out, although I suspect I might have 
lost 4 QSOs due to me being more of a radio op than a computer op! Put 
the Cabrillo file into Excel to give the following analysis :
Band          Q     M       Best Mult
10CW        9       8       C5, VQ9
10SB        40     11       LU, PY
15CW      37     22        4L, 9M, C5, LU, VP8, VQ9, YI, ZC
15SB        81     33        4X, 7Q, A4, C5, CE6, D4, ET, LU, OD, PY, 
UN, VP8, VU, YB, YI, ZS4

Total        167     74    Score   37,074
(I assume the rules meant multipliers are per band/mode)

FT1kMP, Acom 1000, A4S at 15m, N1MM with DX Cluster, therefore 
Multimode, Multi-op entry.

Chris G3SJJ

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