[UK-CONTEST] Short UK Contest Callsigns

Colin colin at g3psm.net
Tue Sep 5 15:54:01 EDT 2006

Peter Bowyer wrote:
> The current NoVs run out in 2007. Now would seem to be a great time to
> review the scheme, and I'm sure Colin G3PSM has this on the agenda for
> the Spectrum Forum's sessions with Ofcom. I'm equally sure that input
> from stakeholders (including us) will be sought at the appropriate
> time, and that any outcome will follow Ofcom's general principles of
> reducing disproportionate regulation consistent with carrying out its
> statutory duties.
The requirement to notify the local Ofcom Office of activity other than 
from your Main Address will no longer exist upon receipt of the new 
Terms and Conditions (ex BR68, possibly Of178) which should accompany 
the new Lifetime Licence being introduced on the 1st October.   This 
aligns with the mandatory requirement to use /P, /M and /MM also being 
dropped.   I quote "If we need to find you in a hurry, we can!"

The more astute will have realised that in theory there will be two sets 
of Terms and Conditions running in parallel for the 12 month period 
commencing 1st October.   The new (Of178) set for licencees due for 
renewal in October onwards and the BR68 who those who have renewed up to 
30th September 2007!   This unfortunately was due to the insistence of 
the Ofcom lawyers who were not prepared to accept a common changeover 
date.   The Ofcom  operational staff have agreed that common sense will 
prevail and no action will be taken against any licencee known to be 
operating the new T&Cs before changing over to the new Lifetime Licence. 
  I am trying to extract a written position statement from them at the 
moment but this is proving more difficult.

Hope this helps.


Colin, G3PSM


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