[UK-CONTEST] Roll call 21/28?

G3SJJ g3sjj at btinternet.com
Fri Sep 29 14:28:58 EDT 2006

Same here Jonathon. Open section, MM/MO. I decided that with band 
conditions as they are, any help is welcome so I will be using the DX 
Cluster to maximise Qs and Mults and hopefully my position in the 
overall table.

I had originally planned to erect my 4 el monobander for 10m on a 
separate gin pole type mast and use the newly completed K2/100 in a kind 
of SO2R format, but decided that band condx just don't warrant the 
effort. Instead I'll be SO2V and monitor 10m on the second VFO. N1MM 
will be very slick in handling this.

Shame about condx, pity we can't do 20m and 30m instead. Working ZL, 
KL7, and even hearing JAs on those bands!!

Chris G3SJJ

Jonathan G0DVJ wrote:
> G4IRC/P will be operating too in the Open section, multi-op mixed mode.
> de G0DVJ

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