gm4fam at tiscali.co.uk gm4fam at tiscali.co.uk
Sat Sep 30 04:04:26 EDT 2006

Hi Guys

Don XTT was spot on regarding contests and RadCom - the Web is the way to
go, results more instant, the write-ups great and other interesting links
come to the surface - ideal!

On another tack, anyone out there know of a source of keenly priced wire?
 I am looking for lots of it, 5 plus miles.

73 de CRIS

>Alex is more than happy to carry introductory-type articles in RadCom too.
>They just need to be written. I don't see us getting much more space on
>contest coverage and, frankly, I don't think we necessarily want it. I
>believe the web is the place for extended coverage - you will never have
>room in RadCom for all the soapbox omments, photos, etc (on the IOTA contest
>site we even link to Google Earth, so you can see where the various entrants
>were located - you can't do that in a magazine!).


Tiscali Broadband from 14.99 with free setup!

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