[UK-CONTEST] Fw: [CQ-Contest] cqww rtty (and tqp) spotting report

Dave Lawley g4buo at compuserve.com
Sat Sep 30 17:54:12 EDT 2006


RSGB General Rules prohibit GB and GX etc. callsigns from entering RSGB 
contests. There is no prohibition on GB stations operating those 
contests, or entering any non-RSGB contests.

GB2BF was operated by Cray Valley RS for the British Wireless for the 
Blind Fund's "Transmission 2006" weekend. Most sponsorship was a tenner 
here and there, but some of the sponsorship was based on numbers of 
QSOs, so in the generally atrocious conditions we had to grab contacts 
wherever we could, including about 400 I think in the RTTY contest. If 
you look on the DX summit you'll see most spots for GB2BF were not RTTY, 
and most of our QSOs were split between phone and CW. We did, horror of 
horrors, also make some QSOs in the SAC phone contest and the Belgian 
80m CW contest.

Despite the bad conditions, with two stations active for most of the 
weekend we made 3,100 QSOs and I believe the amount raised for BWBF is 
over a thousand pounds. Please visit www.blind.org.uk if you'd like to 
make a donation.

Thank you for your concern.

Dave G4BUO

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