[UK-CONTEST] Contest Results...Russian Booklet!

Bob Henderson bob at 5b4agn.net
Sat Apr 28 05:05:34 EDT 2007

I have been very impressed with RDXC for some years.  The printed results 
booklet is excellent and its distribution timely.  The RDXC website is also 
efficiently administered and comprehensive. Leaving the issue of funding to 
one side for a moment, I consider the administration of RDXC to be a shining 
example to the world's contest organisers.  WAEDC is also very good.

It is clear that significant initiative drives these events.  It is clear 
too that someone has to be footing the bill. Perhaps the RDXC team has found 
an efficient way of sourcing funding from those interested in supporting the 

I find the comprehensive, accurate and timely support surrounding RDXC and 
WAEDC to be enormously motivating.  Conversely, I find the lacklustre 
performance of CQ to be a serious turn-off.  Results after a year, 
half-hearted web-site, inaccurate and incomplete records and 
trophies/certificates that appear sometimes years later, if at all. To call 
it uninspiring, would be a compliment.

Of course the genesis of CQ events is different to RDXC.  The objectives of 
the sponsor are no doubt different too.  There are many factors affecting 
the way things work or rather don't work, which I, no doubt, fail to 
appreciate.  However, contesting is a growth pursuit.  If the answer to the 
problems of timely and comprehensive administration is financial, then a 
means by which such administration can be funded by contesters should be 
sought.  I would certainly be prepared to contribute to a scheme which would 
better serve our interest in efficient administration of events.  I'm sure 
many other contesters would too.  However, in the case of CQ where the 
sponsor of the events is a publisher, perhaps the issue is complicated by 
business objectives taking precedence over the desires of participants.

I don't have the answer to the problem but the RDXC model is excellent. 
Money and motivation are needed by anyone wishing to emulate it.  Contesters 
are life's achievers, I suspect the world population enjoys wealth well 
above the average.  Money is there and I have no doubt contesters would be 
happy to see some of it going in support of the pursuit they so love.  If 
there's a mechanism to achieve this, I haven't been able to find it.

Bob, 5B4AGN

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