[UK-CONTEST] Russian DX 2007 Received Logs

Art RX9TX rx9tx at qrz.ru
Mon Apr 30 01:42:51 EDT 2007

 Hello ,

 Gentlemen,  if  any  of  you  haven't  yet send your RDXC logs to the
 contest sponsors, it's time to do so. Send your logs to rdxc at srr.ru.


Received logs      Received logs       Expected logs
    2006                 2007               2007

     46                  29                 54

      6                  2                  7

      1                  2                  3

 I  must  confess  this  situation,  when  the  numbr of expected logs
 exceeds  the number of received logs, concerns Great Britain and only
 a few other countries:


 73...Art RX9TX      


 "I've been in Who's Who and I know what's what, but this is the first time I've been in the dictionary." [Mae West] 

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