Cooper, Stewart coopers at odl.co.uk
Wed Aug 1 09:16:23 EDT 2007

Well, that was fun, if nothing else! The pile-ups at times were so
eye-wateringly deep I wasn't making any headway at all - certainly
wasn't working mults anyway! 10m never opened at all and 15m was hard
work with a pipe-line into central Europe and not much else, hence not
many mults. I seldom had to call CQ. In fact, I just had to say 'Is this
frequency in use? GZ0F' and the mayhem began! In spite of the attraction
of a nice call it was still quiet during the early hours, and I really
did have a problem calling CQ and working higher value contacts. Still,
it was an experience. I spent a lot of time using my LF Ewe antenna with
maximum attenuation on 20m to thin out the callers. I also spent
(probably too much time) fruitlessly searching for mults. I'm fairly
sure I did as much as I could in that respect. I'm disappointed in the
mults total, but hey...
I used an FT1000mp, ETO/Alpha 91b, C3S, HF2V and Ewe. I recorded the
whole event to hard-disc and used WinTest for logging. I did the full 24
hours and erected and dismantled everything myself and paid for it on
Monday when I thought I was going to be incapable of walking! Shetland
weather was its usual grey and windy self, but I was very lucky on
arrival with nice sunshine. There was hail on Sunday afternoon as I
dismantled the sectional mast in a 35knot wind! I could have probably
gone to Antigua for the same cost.
This was a quick exped, leaving Aberdeen on the ferry after work on
Thursday and getting off the ferry on Tuesday morning and coming
straight in to work! No rest... etc.
You can see the effect of the latitude in the score breakdown, with few
Q's on 15m, and I think I was getting worked when the band was pretty
dead anyway.

 Band  CW Qs  CW Mults  Ph Qs  Ph Mults
   80:   0        0       268      49
   40:   0        0       698      67
   20:   0        0       817      78
   15:   0        0       142      22
   10:   0        0         0       0
Total:   0        0      1925     216  Total Score = 2,794,824


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