Graham Ridgeway m5aav at btinternet.com
Sun Aug 5 13:36:30 EDT 2007

On Sun, 5 Aug 2007 10:07:09 EDT, g4fka at aol.com wrote:

>Sent my little log (to the double and triple checked correct  address!) on 
>30th July and have not yet had a response. Might send it  again.
>Geoff G4FKA

I sent mine from this address and got no response.

I am aware however that for some reason certain addresses [like
UX5UO's for some weird reason] are not liked by 'beattie' and resent
it from my standby isp. Got the ack back within minutes.

I've had this problem with several contest submission robots and the
backup [touch wood] has not failed yet.

73 Graham M5AAV

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