johndunnington johndunnington at johndunnington.karoo.co.uk
Sat Aug 11 07:27:41 EDT 2007

Hi Bob/Don well can vouch for your comments as in the late 70's early 80's I
was associated with the then Granger Corporation Palo Alto CA who were one
of very few producing these monsters. These ranged from Fixed arrays for
point to point right though to rotating 3-32Mhz which used HD Tower Sections
as the boom's in a "T-Config". At 30Mhz the gain was great but at 3-Mhz
worse than a full sized dipole but flat as a pancake.

In EP2 I had a choice of several 6-30 3-30 but for 40/80 chose to use the
good old dipole and a remote tuned 55ft vertical 4-14Mhz well before
As you comment OK for what they were designed for but totally unsuitable for
our requirements.

Have an interesting photograph of an eagle's nest inside one boom with a
failed rotator which nobody fancied repairing at the time.


John G3LZQ

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