Nigel G3TXF nigel at G3TXF.com
Tue Aug 14 08:28:03 EDT 2007

Hello UK Contesters, 

Operated Single-Op as PJ2G from the CCC (PJ2T) station on Curaçao. 

Band  QSOs  QTCs  Mults
   80:   70     0    72
   40:  493   440   126
   20:  379   511    84
   15:   12     0    20
   10:    1     0     2
Total:  955   951   304  Total Score = 579,424

Although the CCC (PJ2T) station is well equipped and has a 100ft tower with large fixed monobanders for each band just for Europe, the local topography is exceedingly challenging towards the North East (Europe). There's steep and continuously rising ground away from the "Europe" antennas. Despite the massive antenna installation, it was hard to be heard at good strength in Europe. The SFI being at a mere 68 did not help either!

With the bands being totally closed to Europe for a considerable part of the day, having a minimum of twelve hours "off" was not a problem.

It was a change for me to be a sender (rather than a recipient) of QTCs. With the excellent Win-Test software, sending the QTCs is remarkably easy and user friendly. However the true 'operator satisfaction' is not in sending QTCs, but in receiving them!

Thanks to the several UK Contest Reflector types who called.

There are some photo on http://www.g3txf.com/dxtrip/PJ2G/PJ2G.html

73 - Nigel G3TXF (PJ2G)

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