Colin Potter colin.potter1 at ntlworld.com
Thu Aug 16 07:49:06 EDT 2007

Hi all

I was shocked to see a letter in the current RADCOM, regarding VHF FD, where the writer protested that the scoring in km must give a very big advantage to contacts on 50MHz (through sporadic E), over, say, 23cm or 70cm. His ignorance in not knowing that the scores are normalised for each band is bad enough but worse is that the editor did not know and allowed such a flawed letter to appear. There was no response of any kind from the editor! Is it all a joke perhaps or some peculier protest? What can we do, if this reflects the RSGB's and some members' level of knowledge or their reading skills are so deficient that they cannot even look up the rules? This letter took up a lot of space in a large format compared with the results section in the article covering both HF and VHF contests!

73 Colin M0DDT

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